United Methodist Church


“The Church is not a group of people who believe all the same things; the Church is a group of people caught up in the same story, with Jesus at the center."

-Rachel Held Evans

At Magnolia United Methodist Church, church is more than just a building, or a Sunday morning service. All are welcome, to participate in any or all of our commuinities, as you choose, and as you are. Doubter or believer, gay or straight, documented or undocumented, you are welcome here.  Together, we make a community, centered on Christ's love, existing to serve God's love and mercy to our neighbors.

Weekly Schedule at MUMC 

Sundays (Beginning Sept 15)

Tuesdays (2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, beginning Sept 10)

Wednesdays (Beginning Sept 19)

Thursdays (ongoing)


Our weekly email includes information about upcoming & ongoing events MUMC

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Magnolia United Methodist Church

2820 - 34th Ave W

Seattle, WA 98199

(360) 890-1873