Worship at MUMC

In-person and Online Services Every Week

Join us for in-person services every Sunday morning at 10:30am.  Staring on September 8, 2024, worship will be preceded by a time of Christ-Centered Meditation, from 9-10am, and Fellowship time from 10-10:30am.

At Magnolia UMC, we are a small, inclusive, welcoming community centered on our Love of Christ and striving to be Christ's love and light right here in Magnolia.  We come from all ages and backgrounds, striving to lead all who worship with us towards a deeper experience of God's love. We believe each person is beloved of God, created purposefully by God just as they are, and is able to serve others as a minister of God's love wherever they are: at work, at home, and in their neighborhood. We strive in all we do to "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly."

Pre-recorded services are available each Sunday morning by 8am, here.

Current Series (Sep 2024) - Uncommon Wisdom


Aug 2024 - We Lift Our Eyes Up

July 2024 - Social Principles: The Economic Community

June 2024 - Social Principles: The Social Community

Spring 2024 - Social Principles: The Community of Creation

Easter 2024

Lent 2024

Our Lenten series is looking at the truth that the Christian life is best live in pursuit of perfect love. And that perfect love requires humility... humility of the sort which we see Jesus demonstrate during his 40 days of trials in the desert. There are some activities we all participate in which are always sure to stand in the way of our growth towards perfect love. This Lent we are focusing on Giving Up these core sins.

Advent & Christmas 2023

Autumn 2023 - Jesus Within

Summer 2023 - Living Our Identity

Summer 2023 - Seeing God

Summer 2023 - Mission and the UMC

Summer 2023 - Dance of Creation Series: 

Easter 2023:  

Advent 2022 Series:  

Advent - Now!

Fall Series:  

Simple Practices for Staying in Love with God

Earlier Services:

Visit our Youtube channel for an archive of earlier MUMC services.